Hilsa fish is the national fish of Bangladesh. It is very tasty and looks beautiful.

Scientific Classification:

Class: Actinopterygil

Family: Clupiedae

Sub- family: Alosinae

Phylum: Chordata

Genus: Tenualosa

Binomial Name : Tenualosa ilisha


Hilsa fish is the national fish of Bangladesh. But it is also popular in West Bengal, India's Assamese, Bengali & Oriya- speaking regions & in Pakistan Sindh. It is economically known as important tropical fish. The Hilsa fish from Padma river considered to be the best in taste. The fishes of Padma has also an international demand. Though. Hilsa is caught from the sea. But the Hilsa of the river is considered for lovely taste than the Hilsa of the sea. It is said that Hilsa can be cooked in 50 ways.